Semi Mod Loader
Namespaces | Classes | Functions
Semi Namespace Reference


namespace  DebugConsole
namespace  Patches


class  AkSoundEngine
class  ArrayExt
class  AssemblyRelinker
class  Audio
class  BinaryReaderExt
class  ChecksumMismatchException
 Thrown when a mod fails the checksum validation. More...
class  EntityTreeBuilder
class  FakePrefab
 This class allows the creation of "fake prefabs". In Unity, prefabs are a special kind of GameObject. A prefab is never active, even if its activeSelf field is true. However, if you instantiate such an object, your new instance will inherit the activeSelf field and if true, will create an alive object. On many occassions we want to be able to create our own "prefabs", in other words, objects that act as a template to make other objects from. Unfortunately, the closest way to do this in Unity normally is to have objects that are created as inactive. This creates a problem, because now our new custom "prefab" has to remain inactive, and any object that is instantiated from it will be inactive as well. Semi works around this in two parts - this class is the first part, and the other part is in a patch for the UnityEngine.Object class. When we create a fake prefab with this class, we're doing the same workaround mentioned before (inactive object), but we also add it to a global static list. The second part of this workaround patches Unity to check every object that is being instantiated and verify it against this list. If it is found that the original object does in fact belong in this list, the new object is immediately set as active. More...
class  FileHierarchy
class  FileHierarchyException
 Exception thrown when Semi detects a misconfiguration of the file hierarchy. More...
class  GameObjectExt
class  GameStatsManager
 Patches GameStatsManager to allow for mod-specific save data. More...
class  Gungeon
class  I18N
class  IDMapParser
class  IDPool
 Shortcut for specifying an IDPool without tags. More...
class  InvalidConfigException
 Thrown when a mod metadata is invalid or points to files that don't exist. More...
class  ListConverter
struct  MeshColliderSettings
 Helper struct that combines all three mesh collider related tk2dSprite fields. More...
class  Mod
class  ModConfig
struct  ModError
class  ModLoadException
 Thrown when a mod fails to load for reasons other than misconfigured metadata. More...
class  ModPreloadException
 Thrown when Semi encounters an issue with the setup of order.txt and blacklist.txt files. More...
class  ModVerification
class  Music
class  OutdatedModException
 Thrown when a mod is outdated (targets an old api_version). More...
class  PickupObjectTreeBuilder
struct  ProxyList
 Struct that behaves like a list but does conversion operators internally to provide an IList of a different type without allocating any memory. More...
class  ProxyListEnumerator
 Provides a generic and a non-generic IEnumerator implementation for Semi.ProxyList`2. More...
class  RuntimeAtlasPacker
class  RuntimeAtlasPage
class  RuntimeAtlasSegment
class  SemiLoader
 Main class of the Semi mod loader. More...
class  SerializationHelper
class  SimpleListFileParser
class  Sound
struct  Sprite
 Wrapper struct for tk2dSprite that provides a cleaner interface and works transparently with anything that expects tk2dSprites. More...
struct  SpriteAnimation
 Wrapper struct for tk2dSpriteAnimation that provides a cleaner interface and works transparently with anything that expects tk2dSpriteAnimations. More...
struct  SpriteAnimationClip
 Wrapper struct for tk2dSpriteAnimationClip that provides a cleaner interface and works transparently with anything that expects tk2dSpriteAnimationClips. More...
struct  SpriteAnimationFrame
 Wrapper struct for tk2dSpriteAnimationFrame that provides a cleaner interface and works transparently with anything that expects tk2dSpriteAnimationFrames. More...
struct  SpriteAnimator
 Wrapper struct for tk2dSpriteAnimator that provides a cleaner interface and works transparently with anything that expects tk2dSpriteAnimators. More...
struct  SpriteCollection
 Wrapper struct for tk2dSpriteCollectionData that provides a cleaner interface and works transparently with anything that expects tk2dSpriteCollectionDatas. More...
struct  SpriteDefinition
 Wrapper struct for tk2dSpriteDefinition that provides a cleaner interface and works transparently with anything that expects tk2dSpriteDefinitions. More...
class  StreamBufferUpdateBehaviour
class  StringExt
class  Texture2DExt
class  Texture2DLoader
class  Tk0dConfigParser
class  Tk2dExt
class  UI
class  WWiseAudioBridge


Semi::InvalidConfigException Exception ModLoadException (string mod_id, string message)
 Thrown when a mod fails to load for reasons other than misconfigured metadata. More...

Function Documentation

◆ ModLoadException()

Semi::InvalidConfigException Exception Semi::ModLoadException ( string  mod_id,
string  message 

Thrown when a mod fails to load for reasons other than misconfigured metadata.